Saturday, October 2, 2010

19 Weeks - Pink or Blue

We went in for the "20 Week" ultrasound with hopes of finding out if you are going to be an Adelaide or Oliver. During this ultrasound they also look at all your body parts to see if they are the right size and make sure everything looks ok. Before we went in, Preston and I filmed our predictions on the video camera. We still stuck to our original guns, Preston said you are an Adelaide, I said you are an Oliver. We invited my mum to come see the excitement as well.

During the ultrasound they did look at everything. Measuring your bones, looked at all your organs, measuring fluid, etc. Everything looked great with one minor detail. There was something with your heart that made Suzie the Ultrasound Tech take a second glance. The second glance turned into a lot of glances and she called in some specialists. Dr. Reed and Dr. Dixon, perinatologists, came to take a look as well. After a lot of looking their final answer, for the mean time, is that they think you have an atrial septal defect and aortic stenosis. But they said your heart is little right now, only the size of my thumb nail that they cant be completely sure. So the plan is to meet another doctor, Dr. Barber, who is a pediatric cardiologist to check things out in about 2 weeks. They also wanted us to meet with the genetic counselor just for more support.

But there is good news in all of this, I promise. The first one is that your Dad was right and you are a little girl! We couldn't be more excited. The second is that we love you, more then you could know. So Miss Adelaide Ann we need you to keep growing and fighting! We will keep loving you and praying for you.

Here are your latest photos, you have quite the album little one.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 98lbs
Baby Otte - 6 inches, 9 ounces

18 Weeks - Dr. Moreno

This week was a Dr. Moreno week. We went in for our check up and guess what I gained a pound! We went to check your little heart beat but the machine wasn't in the room so Dr. Moreno surprised us and asked if we wanted to see if you were a boy or girl on the bigger ultrasound next door. We said yes of course! We checked your little heart beat which was beating really strong and it looked great. Then Dr. Moreno went searching for your little parts. She couldn't be sure because you are still pretty little but her guess is that you are a little girl. She told us not to have her prediction be the final one though and to wait and see at our appointment next week. I was quite surprised when she said girl though, for some reason I think you are a little boy. Preston on the other hand claims you are a girl. We will just have to wait and see.

Here are more photos for your collection.

Heart Beat

Little Face

Possible Girl Parts

Growth Stats
Mommy - 98lbs
Baby Otte - 5.25 inches, 5.25 ounces

17 Weeks - Moving On Up

This week was very exciting. We felt you move, at 17 weeks and 3 days I felt you move. And then at 17 weeks and 5 days, you were moving so much that Preston was able to feel you move! It was such a neat thing and wish I could feel you every minute of every day. I lay in bed at night waiting for see if you are going to move or kick. We have your appointment at the end of this week with Dr. Moreno.You just keep moving your cute self, all day every day if you really want to.


Growth Stats
Mommy - 97 lbs
Baby Otte - 4.8 inches, 3.4 ounces

16 Weeks - Slowly Growing

We are at 16 weeks now and I have slowly been telling people at work that you are on your way. Everyone is very excited. We are just staying steady, growing in some ways but no big weight gains yet.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 97 lbs
Baby Otte -  4.8 inches, 2.8 ounces