Wednesday, February 23, 2011

39 Weeks - The Final Moments

We saw Dr. Moreno on Monday and she feels its best we give you a little more time. At 39 weeks and 3 days, my body wasnt quite doing what it needed to. We all want to give you the best start possible so we will go in for our NST on Thursday morning and she will come visit us there. Hopefully either I have done what I need to do or Dr. Moreno will set a date for us all.

It is a little overwhelming with all of the unknowns but your Dad and I are going to wait patiently for you to join us. In the meantime we have cleaned the house, gotten the carpets cleaned, and dusted our hearts out. Dont worry, we will keep doing it all until the last minute.We also took some time to head up to the Accenture Tournament and spend some time together.

I have been thinking about these past 39 weeks and have a lot thoughts about it all. Here are a couple.

- At some point putting on socks is really hard to do.
- Braxton Hicks contractions can still take your breath away.
- When rolling over in bed becomes a 4 point turn, it has gone too far.
- The amount of toilet paper I must have gone through is above and beyond.
- Working really wasnt too bad and sure made the time go a lot faster.
- Its ok when you cant see certain parts of yourself any more, one day you might get to again.
- The love and attachment you feel to a baby growing inside of you is more than can be explained.

Here are the photos from your nursery. We love you and I do say with all hope, that we will see you soon.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 123 lbs
Baby Otte - 8lbs 8oz

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

38 Weeks - Final Ultrasound

We met with Suzie one last time to try and estimate just how much your sweet self has grown. Suzie was great and was able to get me in and out during my lunch break from work. As she looked at the pictures on the screen she was able to see that I had a lot of fluid, which is great for you. Suzie told me that when my water breaks, I will surely know. Your measurements looked great and the final number was that you were 8lbs 6 oz. I am not sure how you got so big but way to go.

Only one more day of working and then I am going to take a couple days off before you are born. We are going to clean and clean the house for you, get your room all put together and just take a breather before you change our lives. We love you so much and are beside ourselves that we get to be your parents. Not too much longer now little girl. Take care.


Growth Stats
Mommy - 122 lbs
Baby Otte - 8lbs 6 oz

37 Weeks: Hello Dr. Barber

For one last check up we visited with Dr. Barber and Mark the Ultrasound Tech. They pondered and analyzed your little heart on the screen, looking at how the blood was flowing and how the heart sounded. Final answer was that there might be another little problem. Your heart has two sides, a right and a left, and on the screen it looked like there was a hole between the two. It does not change anything though, you were still be watched very closely and you will sill be a NICU baby, at least for a little while. Mark was able to look at your feet and they looked perfect. He also looked at the back of your neck checking for fluid and it looked great too. So now all we need is to give you a little more time and hopefully we will see you safe and sound.

Dr. Barber goes to Mexico this weekend to help with Medical Clinics so if you would just hang out with me until he gets back that would be great.

Love you tons Miss Addie.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 123 lbs
Baby Otte - 8lbs

36 Weeks - Growing like a Weed

We had your growth and fetal echo ultrasound today which means we had quite the crowd watching your every move. Dr. Barber, Dr. Machulla, and Suzie were all in attendance to see just how you are doing. They shared some good news, in that your heart is still growing and you are growing and growing. Suzie said you had a lot of hair and she could see it on the ultrasound flowing. We couldnt believe it. The original plan remains and you are still NICU bound but everyone is ready and waiting for your arrival.

After the team looked at everything, I asked how much you had grown in 4 weeks. They took my breath away when they told me you had grown from 4lbs 14 oz to 7lbs 8 oz. You are literally growing like a weed and I must say I am afraid if you keep it up that you wont come out. But the great thing is that the bigger you are, the better. Better for the doctors and better for you. I love you little peapod and we only have 3 weeks and 2 days left. Cant wait to meet you.

Growth stats
Mommy - 122 lbs
Baby Otte - 7lbs 8oz.

35 Weeks - Baby Shower Surprises

Yesterday I went to a Great Beginnings baby class with Kelly, who came down from Flagstaff to for the shower. The teacher taught us about bathing, swaddling, diapering and some milestones that you will reach as you grow. It was really nice of Kelly to come to the class with me, your Dad was on a trip with the Scouts and couldn't make it.

Today we had a baby shower for friends and family in Tucson. Marci and Kylee were so kind as to throw you the shower and it was an awesome day. Some friends from Sahuarita came up and the most surprising of all was one of my life long friends Jennie came. I had no idea she was coming until I got to Marci's house, walked into the kitchen and just saw her standing there. I was so shocked and surprised that I started crying. She drove all the way here from San Diego and I just could not believe it.

A lot of people from the Ward came and it was just a fun day. Marci's mom, Aunt Janet, had this beautiful cake made for you and it had these cute little flower A's and cute little shoes. They are so delicate and perfect, I loved them.

After the baby shower, my mum and dad, Jennie and her boyfriend Steve, Kelly, Preston and I all went out to dinner. We chatted about the old times and just enjoyed each others company.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 119 lbs
Baby Otte - 6 lbs 8 oz.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

34 Weeks - Heritage Surprise

Early in January a lady by the name of Jeanie Weaver called me with a suggested surprise. On January 18th the ladies of Heritage Highlands would be having their annual Mailboxes Tournament but that is not all. The ladies wanted to throw your dad a surprise baby shower and asked that I come too. I myself was quite surprised by the gesture and very excited as well.

On the day of the surprise baby shower, I was running some errands in the morning and your dad called asking what I had planned for the day. I was pretty giddy inside knowing that in a couple of hours I would be seeing him but just told him I needed to get some groceries and run some errands.

When I arrived up at Heritage I was greeted by a sweet lady Gloria and led into the dining hall. When your dad saw me you could see in his face he was confused and I jokingly said "Surprise." He asked how long I had known about all this and was even more surprised that I was able to keep it a secret for a couple of weeks.

After the presentations of the tournament winners, the fun began. Patty, who took the lead on hosting the shower, had Preston come up to the front and practice diapering a baby doll. He was pretty embarrassed and was even blushing but did a great job. Preston was able to open some gifts that the ladies had given us and he started crying when he realized how much money was collected for us. It was far too generous and I believe we were both in shock.

It was a pretty fun afternoon and really nice to see your dad in the spotlight. The ladies of Heritage Highlands really do care for him and they went above and beyond anything we could have imagined. I have told you this before but there really are a lot of people excited to see you. Take care little pea.

Growth Stats:
Mommy - 118 lbs
Baby Otte - 6 lbs

33 Weeks - Busy UMC Week

This week was a very busy one with a lot of exciting things going on. We started the week with a baby shower from the ladies at my work. Ellie was so kind to put the baby shower together and worked for months getting it all together. We had the shower at the restaurant BJ's and it was so much fun. I was great to have so many people come from the day and night shift. They were all so generous, I was taken away by it all.

Right after the shower my mum and I went to the hospital for one of your many non-stress tests. You did a great job moving around like a bumble bee. All it took was 20 minutes and we were out of there.

The evening of the shower, your Dad and I had a maternity tour at the hospital. We were able to see the labor and delivery rooms, the operating rooms, and the rooms on the 7th floor, where we will go after your big arrival. We finished the night by watching a educational video about the labor process and lets just say your Dad and I were slightly overwhelmed.

On Thursday I went in for an appointment with Dr. Moreno and everything looked great. She put you on the ultrasound machine and thought you looked beautiful. She also mentioned that my fluid looked great which means your kidneys are working just like they should. We talked about my concerns about going to 40 weeks, especially with work and trying to fit it all in. Dr. Moreno suggested that if everything continued to look good, then we could shoot for 39 weeks instead. I went straight to your second NST of the week and again you looked just as you should.

The week ended with me feeling a tad under the weather but by Sunday morning I was feeling a lot better. Your nursery continues to keep coming along and we want more then anything to bring you home with us. Please keep growing little girl and may your heart and mind grow strong. We love you.

Growth Stats:
Mommy - 117lb
Baby Otte - 5lbs 8oz

32 Weeks - Nursery

We have been working hard on your new room. Between organizing your clothes and books and working on your special decorations, we have been keeping ourselves pretty busy. We have your crib and dresser, your book shelves, and our most recent purchase of a reclining chair. It took us quite some time to find the right one but we love the one we picked out. We hope for many long hours rocking you, feeding you and reading you stories and stories and stories. I finished the letters to your name, now Preston just needs to hang them for you. Next we will be putting up your koalas and your room will be all ready for you to arrive.

We get to visit Dr. Moreno this week and see Casey and Dr. Barber for your last fetal echo. We love you and pray for you always. See you soon little girl.


31 Weeks
32 Weeks
Growth Stats
Mommy - 114 lbs
Baby Otte - 4 lbs, 18 inches

30 Weeks - Timber

What started as a nice evening walk with the puppies turned out to be quite the event. We had just walked up the drive way when I got a little tangled up with Charlie. I stepped on his paw, he yelped in pain, I tripped over him and fell over like a tree going "timber." I did catch myself with my hands but my stomach is a little larger then I am used to and I didn't quite give myself enough room. So my tummy hit the cement, which I am sure gave you a little rattle.

After the dramatics of crying partly out of being scared and partly out of embarrassment, I felt fine. No pains or cramps or anything. We started organizing the office and we were on a role. Even though I felt ok though I had this feeling that we should just go in to the hospital just to be sure. I was told during an office visit with Dr. Moreno early on that if I ever had a fall, even if I fell on my bottom, that I'd need to come in and get checked out. I will admit that I was putting it off wondering whether to go in, but 2.5 hours after I fell over like a log, Preston and I were driving to the hospital.

On our way to the elevators we saw Dr. Moreno and she said it was a good thing we decided to come in. On her way our she told us she would be watching us from home. When we got up to the 8th floor we checked in and not too long after we were brought back to the triage area. Then the fun part started when they told us that any time you have a fall you have to be monitored for 4 hours. Then they said if I had any contractions at all that I would have to be admitted. We were a bit taken back and had we known we were going to be there for 4 hours, we would not have waited until 8pm to start driving in.

The nurse hooked us up to the monitors to watch your heart rate and my uterus and away we went. About a half an hour into the Otte watch, the doctors thought that I was looking irritable so they started me on IV fluids, took some labs, and continued the watching. After 4 hours of watching and watching we were given the go ahead to head home. We were sure relieved.

I have joked a couple of times that I am ready for you to come any time but 10 weeks early is just a little too early. These were our Sunday evening adventures and we hope the next time we are going through triage on the 8th floor that we will be at least 38 weeks along and anxiously awaiting your beautiful self. We love you very much and I promise to be more careful in these coming weeks. Keep growing and moving sweet girl and we look forward to seeing you.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 114lbs. 37.5 inches around
Baby Otte - 17 inches, 3 lbs

29 Weeks - Ultrasound

We met with Casey this week for your growth ultrasound, to see how you are coming along. She checked your head and tummy, your arms and legs bones and she was especially looking for any extra fluid that you might have around your heart and tummy. But guess what, she didn't find anything out the ordinary and that is fantastic and a big sigh of relief. She was able to estimate your weight and you sure have grown. A big 2 lbs 15 ounces. You are doing a great job in there. We love you.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 113lbs
Baby Otte - 9.2 inches, 2lbs 15 ounces

28 Weeks - Florida

We went to Florida this week for your dad's PGA graduation. After 2 years filled with hours of studying and hard work and 3 checkpoints later we flew to Port St. Lucie for one final round of testing and presentations. I am proud to say that your Dad did a great job and passed all his tests on the first try. On the second day he did fantastic on his presentations and interview and that evening we were both so excited for his graduation.

As for myself, I spent my time relaxing and resting, which was much needed. I worked on some Christmas gifts for Preston and enjoyed taking some naps. It was a great trip but I must say that traveling across the country 7 months pregnant was a little less ideal. But your Dad was sweet and did everything he could to help me get comfortable. When we get home we are going to take the remainder of our days and work on your room.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 113 lbs
Baby Otte - 10 inches, 2 lbs 4 oz

27 Weeks - 4D Fetal Echo

We met with Dr. Moreno this week and you are going great. I know we keep saying this but she really is fantastic and we feel really lucky to have her as our doctor.

After our appointment with Dr. Moreno we went to our long awaited 4D ultrasound visit. You have had a lot of ultrasounds and will continue to have many more but this one lets us see your face really well. I was nervous that maybe the ultrasound tech wouldn't be able to get a good view but not only did she get a good view, you did perfect for her.

Preston and I were so shocked by your little features and how beautiful you are. You have the longest little fingers and the sweetest little face. We probably could have sat there all day just watching you and your movements. Your dad was especially touched and we were so glad we decided to do it. We sent your little photos to everyone and I think you look a lot like your dad.

We cant wait to see your little face and hold your long little fingers. We love you so much.

Growth Stats:
Mommy - 111 lbs
Baby Otte - 9.6 inches, 2lbs

26 Weeks - Colorado Adventures

For 26 weeks I kept the biggest secret from your soon to be Aunts. The biggest secret is you! Mommy's roommates, teammates, and best friends in college had no idea you are on your way!  It was so hard for me to not tell them but it was so worth it to surprise them and see their faces drop when they realized I was pregnant. To add to the excitement, Kendell came out from Virgina and just made the trip complete.

The weekend was a lot of fun and I was able to get every ones reactions to our surprise on video. It was as if our time away from each other never happened, it felt like just yesterday that we were all together. It was a busy weekend and just like in college I did serve as the designated driver at times as your Aunts had their share of drinks and fun. They are some of the best women ever and are like sisters to me. I love them and you will too.

Here are some of the photos from our extravaganza and the videos as well.

Love you little girl.