Wednesday, February 23, 2011

39 Weeks - The Final Moments

We saw Dr. Moreno on Monday and she feels its best we give you a little more time. At 39 weeks and 3 days, my body wasnt quite doing what it needed to. We all want to give you the best start possible so we will go in for our NST on Thursday morning and she will come visit us there. Hopefully either I have done what I need to do or Dr. Moreno will set a date for us all.

It is a little overwhelming with all of the unknowns but your Dad and I are going to wait patiently for you to join us. In the meantime we have cleaned the house, gotten the carpets cleaned, and dusted our hearts out. Dont worry, we will keep doing it all until the last minute.We also took some time to head up to the Accenture Tournament and spend some time together.

I have been thinking about these past 39 weeks and have a lot thoughts about it all. Here are a couple.

- At some point putting on socks is really hard to do.
- Braxton Hicks contractions can still take your breath away.
- When rolling over in bed becomes a 4 point turn, it has gone too far.
- The amount of toilet paper I must have gone through is above and beyond.
- Working really wasnt too bad and sure made the time go a lot faster.
- Its ok when you cant see certain parts of yourself any more, one day you might get to again.
- The love and attachment you feel to a baby growing inside of you is more than can be explained.

Here are the photos from your nursery. We love you and I do say with all hope, that we will see you soon.

Growth Stats
Mommy - 123 lbs
Baby Otte - 8lbs 8oz

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